The story revolves around a new high school student, Jo (Meaghan Martin) , who agrees to befriend an outcast, Abby (Jennifer Stone), at the urging of Abby’s wealthy father in exchange for ...
The story revolves around a new high school student, Jo (Meaghan Martin) , who agrees to befriend an outcast, Abby (Jennifer Stone), at the urging of Abby’s wealthy father in exchange for ...
Mangin, a police inspector in Paris, leans hard on informants to get evidence on three Tunisian brothers who traffic in drugs. He arrests one, Simon, and his girl-friend Noria. Simon’s ...
Eiffel I’m in Love tells the story about a teenage girl, Tita, who led a perfect life. she had a lovely family, a patient boyfriend and 2 best friends who are always by her side. However, ...