Sheri, Ryan and Quintin find themselves going deeper undercover as Dion and Ashleigh grapple with their respective pasts. Monalisa has a major revelation about her daughter’s situation.
Sheri, Ryan and Quintin find themselves going deeper undercover as Dion and Ashleigh grapple with their respective pasts. Monalisa has a major revelation about her daughter’s situation.
The final participant enters the experiment and Isaiah and Zac fears their covers have been blown; Zac searches for illegal drug use in C-pod; and Tami clashes with another inmate.
A new inmate enters the men’s pod and begins rustling everyone’s feathers. Darius and Carlos work together to protect the pod and keep the peace. Rose attempts to help a rambunctious inmate who ...
For the first time, all seven participants will meet with the Sheriff and his team to discuss the craziest moments from their time in the Pinal County Jail.
While trying to survive constant harassment, violence and the stress of incarceration, the participants continue to grind out their time in the Clark County Jail, but two of them are reaching a ...
Sheriff Jamey Noel adds two more members to his undercover team, Isaiah and Maryum. Undercover inmates try to adjust and fit in, while some question their decisions to be there.
When a participant’s cover is blown, Sheriff Lamb and his team must decide whether to end the program early or risk the lives of the remaining participants.
All hell breaks loose in the Clark County Jail when two pod bosses threaten the safety of three of our participants.
General population proves to be no walk in the park as the participants deal with shake downs, a flooded pod, unwanted attention, and dirty laundry.
The sheriff and his team face a tough decision; the consequences of one participant’s actions put the remaining participants in very real danger.
Hazing, drug use and violence envelop Clark County Jail as two participants are on the brink of dropping out of the program.
Newly elected sheriff Mark Lamb sends six volunteers into the Pinal County Detention Center on a mission to uncover valuable intelligence about the gangs, drugs and operational issues that plague ...
Arriving at the limits of his patience and sanity, Chase makes a big decision. Carlos makes a run for access and status in the pod by opening up his own store, and takes Nick, a young inmate, as ...
The participants struggle with race politics, jailhouse thieves, and protecting their cover stories; the secrets become too difficult for one participant to keep.
The last participant enters the Clark County Jail and all eight must now face their new reality of life behind bars.
The first participants move to general population and begin to form bonds with new inmates, while others hit their breaking point in quarantine; they learn that the men’s quarantine pod is ...
More than halfway through their time in jail, the participants struggle to make progress on their missions; as pod drama boils over, some hit their breaking point.
As three new participants enter the program, the others for acceptance in the pods. One participant is forced into a confrontation that quickly turns physical.
The final participant enters the program while the others confront new challenges around drugs, COVID, and intense inmates.
David climbs the ranks in the pod and struggles to remember what side he is on; Abner is tested when one of his own commits an offense; the women suspect that they are being unfairly targeted by ...