In a contemporary adaptation of the Jane Austen classic, “Pride and Prejudice: Atlanta” follows Reverend Bennet (Reginald VelJohnson, “Family Matters”), a pastor of a ...
In a contemporary adaptation of the Jane Austen classic, “Pride and Prejudice: Atlanta” follows Reverend Bennet (Reginald VelJohnson, “Family Matters”), a pastor of a ...
Tougher than Shaft and smoother than Superfly, this high-voltage sequel to Black Caesar explodes with enough action to incinerate New York City. Packed with machine-gun mayhem and riveting ...
KO TIN SAN an LAW WAI SHUN are half-brothers, same mother different father. Due to fate, they were not only separated into Hong Kong an Macau, but also grew up in different backgrounds that have ...
On October 13, 1972, Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, chartered to take a rugby team to Chile, crashes into a glacier in the heart of the Andes.
On the Arabian Peninsula in the 1930s, two warring leaders come face to face. The victorious Nesib, Emir of Hobeika, lays down his peace terms to rival Amar, Sultan of Salmaah. The two men agree ...