Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist television program created by Ted Turner, Robert Larkin III, and Barbara Pyle, produced by Pyle, Nicholas Boxer, Andy ...
Captain Planet and the Planeteers is an American animated environmentalist television program created by Ted Turner, Robert Larkin III, and Barbara Pyle, produced by Pyle, Nicholas Boxer, Andy ...
MORTAL KOMBAT: REBIRTH is a short film released by Kevin Tancharoen (Director) in 2010. It was originally made as a proof of concept for Tancharoen’s pitch to Warner Brothers for a reboot ...
Recorded in Seatle, WA on Halloween Night, 1991, Live at the Paramount is the only known Nirvana live show recorded on 16mm film. Now released to conside with the 20th anniversary of the release ...
Ann, a reclusive elegant lady, with an obsession for butterflies, is befriended by the eerily beautiful young Alice. Using her seductive innocence, Alice establishes a disturbing mother daughter ...
It tells the story of a struggling man who, after flying home to L.A. for the funeral of his estranged record-producer father, discovers that the will stipulates that he must deliver $150,000 in ...
This intimate drama follows Rebecca, a woman who has kept her sexuality a secret from her friends but chooses to reveal it to a stranger. While Rebecca’s revelations may not yield the ...