The Story follows Troy, a young man whose beloved wife passes away. The movie opens at her funeral, and Troy, ill-equipped to deal with this kind of grief at this stage in his life, just shuts ...
The Story follows Troy, a young man whose beloved wife passes away. The movie opens at her funeral, and Troy, ill-equipped to deal with this kind of grief at this stage in his life, just shuts ...
Two thieves attempt to steal 80 million dollars of hidden Texas drug money from the famed ranch belonging to a dead member of the Cowboy Mafia.
A quiet and peaceful community in the Dominion of Canada is shaken up by the arrival of a wounded and stinky gun-toting American cowboy, simply known as The Montana Kid, wanted for the alleged ...
When the members of a caravan of pioneers find a daisy growing in the middle of the desert they decide to stop there and to build their town on this very spot. Houses soon spring up like ...