This true story follows the exploits of a top secret British military mission to destroy Nazi radio ships in a neutral harbor during WWII. The daring plan is led by British Intelligence officers ...
This true story follows the exploits of a top secret British military mission to destroy Nazi radio ships in a neutral harbor during WWII. The daring plan is led by British Intelligence officers ...
A young lawyer living in Los Angeles deals with the trials and tribulations of becoming a famous superheroine, and making a film about how all of that came to be. Visited by her cousin Bruce, who ...
Camille was only sixteen and still in high school when she fell in love with Eric, another student. They later married and a child and were happy for a while. But now twenty-five years have ...
The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate ...
“Black Ghost” is a crime/thriller set in modern day Perth, Australia. Following the life of an ex-commando living in a city that is controlled by criminals; The Northside Crew, The ...
Eric and Kurt Sloane are the descendants of a well-known Venice, California-based family of martial artists. Kurt, the younger of the two, has always been in his brother Eric’s shadow, and ...
Pete Ivey (Jason Dolley) is the type of guy who’s easily overlooked in the school halls — unlike his boisterous best friend, Cleatus Poole (Mitchel Musso), who’s proudly ...
In Big Time Movie, the guys must tap their inner spy as their adventure finds them driving exotic cars and jumping out of helicopters, while trying to make it to their first world tour concert on ...
There once was a pirate known as the Great Gold Pirate Woonan, who obtained almost one-third of the world’s gold. Over the course of a few years, the pirate’s existence faded, and a ...
In 1977 a group of young, horny, out of control Christians are spending a fun filled weekend at the mountain lakeside Happy Day Bible Camp. One by one these youthful sinners pay a BLOODY penance ...
Can five single, independent career women who live in the Ode to Joy apartment building find fulfillment on their own terms? An Di is a successful business woman who has returned to China after ...