“Livin’ the Dream” is the twenty-first episode of the ninth season of the American comedy television series The Office and the 197th episode overall. It originally aired on the ...
“Livin’ the Dream” is the twenty-first episode of the ninth season of the American comedy television series The Office and the 197th episode overall. It originally aired on the ...
When Daniel starts teaching his first karate students, he questions whether he can fill Mr. Miyagi’s shoes. Johnny invents some unorthodox training methods with help from an unlikely source.
In the aftermath of Cobra Kai’s win at the Under 18 All Valley Karate Championships, Johnny questions his dojo’s philosophy and deals with a figure from his past. Daniel searches for the right ...
Johnny prepares his Cobra Kai students for the next All Valley Karate Tournament and in turn, he is inspired to clean up his life. Daniel is still unaware of his new pupil’s background. But as ...
K.C. Cooper, a high school math whiz and karate black-belt, learns that her parents are spies when they recruit her to join them in the secret government agency, The Organization. While she now ...
Johnny’s dojo class attracts a group of misfits while his son Robby, who harbors ulterior motives, lands a new job. Samantha makes a new friend in science class. Daniel inspires interest in ...
Daniel tries to strike a shady deal to undermine Johnny’s dojo. Meanwhile, Johnny expands his enrollment ranks in the dojo. Miguel puts his karate practice into reality as Samantha faces ...
Present day Daniel LaRusso lives a charmed life. That is, until he sees that the Cobra Kai dojo, the source of his teenage angst and rivalry, has been reestablished by Johnny Lawrence. Struggling ...