Bud Spencer plays Banana Joe, a brawny yet friendly man who lives in a small rainforest village called Amantido with a huge number of his own children and regularly delivers bananas to a South ...
Bud Spencer plays Banana Joe, a brawny yet friendly man who lives in a small rainforest village called Amantido with a huge number of his own children and regularly delivers bananas to a South ...
“The Rocket” is a small town story inspired by true events, about a high school football star who suffers a severe head injury and loses his entire life plan. The heaviness of a broken ...
Normande St-Onge works as a clerk in a pharmacy and takes dance classes with the dream of being a cabaret dancer. Her mother, Berthe, has been confined to a mental institution by Normande’s ...
There is no honor without truth. When gang wars spin out of control in downtown Washington D.C., one man steps onto the battlefirld to hunt down a ruthless killer. A young man has been released ...
Neha is employ by Hari Saxena as a dancer and singer and has many fans. One night Hari attempts to sexually molest her but is unsuccessful; this perturbs him to mix a poisonous substance in one ...
Martial arts expert Matt Hunter was one of the most promising operatives in Army intelligence until his parents were killed by terrorists, and he retired to the family’s farm in Louisiana ...
Police captain Pavel Semyonov serves in one of the residential areas of St. Petersburg. Pavel is used to breaking up drunken fights and entering drug dens alone to make another arrest. He knows ...
FBI agent Joel Campbell, burnt-out and shell-shocked after years spent chasing serial killers, flees L.A. to begin a new life for himself in Chicago. But five months later, Joel’s best laid ...
A truth tale about “Oligosaccharide” written by Crocodile Man. One ‘Geun-hyeok’ and ten ‘Mi-jeongs’ put on a sexy adult fantasy! Geun-hyeok and Mi-jeong switch ...
Salvo e Valentino sono due amici che hanno una piccola società di servizi per il turismo. Il loro mezzo, un restaurato e coloratissimo autobus inglese di qualche anno fa, trasporta i turisti tra ...