The Simpsons’ sixth season originally aired on the Fox network between September 4, 1994, and May 21, 1995, and consists of 25 episodes. The Simpsons is an animated series about a working ...
The Simpsons’ sixth season originally aired on the Fox network between September 4, 1994, and May 21, 1995, and consists of 25 episodes. The Simpsons is an animated series about a working ...
After being humiliated by Mrs. Krabappel’s class, Mr. Burns finally decides to buy a new car, so he orders a Lamborgotti Fasterossa. He sends Homer and his family to the factory in Italy to ...
Troy McClure presents three Simpsons spinoff spoofs: In “Chief Wiggum, P.I.,” Chief Wiggum becomes a New Orleans detective. Next, Grampa Simpson’s soul is trapped inside ...
The tenth season of the animated television series The Simpsons was originally broadcast on the Fox network in the United States between August 23, 1998 and May 16, 1999. It contains twenty-three ...
In “The Devil and Homer Simpson,” Homer sells his soul for a doughnut. Next, in the Twilight Zone spoof “Terror at 5 1/2 Feet,” everyone doubts Bart’s sanity when ...
“No Loan Again, Naturally” is the twelfth episode of the twentieth season of The Simpsons. It premiered on the Fox Broadcasting Company in the United States on March 8, 2009. In the ...
The Simpsons’ first season originally aired between December 17, 1989 and May 13, 1990, beginning with the Christmas special “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire”. The executive ...
The result of Marge’s anger against Quimby’s new toll road leads to the discovery of a frozen mailman and his 40-year-old mail. The old mail is delivered to the recipients, including one to ...
Lisa has a big butt and her friends at school, Sherri, Terri and Janie let her know about it. Homer explains to her about the Simpson butt, it is something she’ll have to learn to live ...
We open with an episode of “Keepin’ It Kodos” with Kang. In this episode, Kang and Kodos have the Simpson family for dinner with their boss. The meal is a success as Kang gets a ...
The Simpson family’s dog Santa’s Little Helper fails to save Homer from a treehouse when it is on fire. Consequently, Homer declares him a coward and disowns him. One day, a ...
“The Ten-Per-Cent Solution” is the eighth episode of the twenty-third season of the American animated sitcom The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States ...
Grandpa Simpson’s miracle elixir reinvigorates Homer and Marge’s sex life. When father and son embark on an old-fashioned medicine show to sell the love tonic, they rake in the money, ...
Backed by a cabal of Republicans and the talk radio blowhard Birch Barlow, Sideshow Bob runs for mayor of Springfield. When new mayor Bob decides to build a freeway right through the ...
The Simpsons’ thirteenth season originally aired on the Fox network between November 6, 2001 and May 22, 2002 and consists of 22 episodes. The show runner for the thirteenth production ...
Convinced that Itchy & Scratchy has been going downhill, Bart and Lisa pen their own script and sign Grandpa Simpson’s name to it. Meanwhile, Homer goes back to school to make up a ...
A social worker is assigned to make the Simpson family functional after they get arrested for fighting while playing Monopoly. He helps them learn how to work together and function as a family. ...
The Simpsons’ ninth season originally aired between September 1997 and May 1998, beginning on Sunday, September 21, 1997 with “The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson”. The ...
“The Greatest Story Ever D’ohed” is the sixteenth episode of The Simpsons’ twenty-first season and the 457th episode overall. It aired on the Fox network in the United ...
“Like Father, Like Clown” is the sixth episode of The Simpsons’ third season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 24, 1991. In the episode, ...
When the Simpsons run out of food thanks to a bag boy strike (caused by Homer), the family finds an old box of animal crackers with a sweepstakes that sends The Simpsons to Africa.
The Simpson kids hide in the family treehouse and tell each other spooky stories. The first regards haunted houses, the second introduces Kang and Kodos for the first time in an alien abduction, ...
Lisa struggles with solving a simple puzzle and fears that the “Simpson gene” is suddenly wiping out her intelligence. Homer stages a family reunion in hopes of introducing Lisa to some ...
Mr. Burns is taking his driving test and Selma is having hot flashes. Dr. Hibbert diagnoses that she is going through menopause. After seeing a video on the topic hosted by Robert Wagner, Selma ...
In 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered in her Los Angeles home by whom most believe to be O.J Simpson. But what role did Glen Rogers, also known as the ...
The Simpsons’ twenty-sixth season premiered on September 28, 2014 and concluded on May 17, 2015. In this season, Krusty the Clown retires after his father dies (“Clown in the ...
The Simpsons’ twenty-second season began airing on Fox on September 26, 2010 and ended on May 22, 2011. The Simpsons was renewed for at least two additional seasons during the twentieth ...
The Simpsons’ twenty-first season aired on Fox from September 27, 2009 to May 23, 2010. It was the first of two seasons that the show was renewed for by Fox, and also the first season of ...
Moe Szyslak becomes lonely and decides to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. However, he inadvertently saves Maggie Simpson when she is sent flying from the Simpsons’ car window and ...
The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special – In 3-D! On Ice! is a documentary special that examined the “cultural phenomenon” of the American animated television series The Simpsons.