The story revolves around a new high school student, Jo (Meaghan Martin) , who agrees to befriend an outcast, Abby (Jennifer Stone), at the urging of Abby’s wealthy father in exchange for ...
The story revolves around a new high school student, Jo (Meaghan Martin) , who agrees to befriend an outcast, Abby (Jennifer Stone), at the urging of Abby’s wealthy father in exchange for ...
The tension between Jason and Ray comes to a head, and Lisa faces her final test in officer candidate school.
After seeing some experimental films at a theater, Keith says he can do better than any they saw. Keith pulls out the video camera and beings recording various random clips. Danny becomes his ...
Austin writes a song about a girl and after it becomes a musical sensation, fans begin to question who it’s about. In response, Val sues Austin, Ally, Trish and Dez, claiming that the song was ...
When Charlotte is challenged to a fight at school, Captain Man and Kid Danger step in to try and help Charlotte defend herself.
During a live feed of a transcontinental bullet train, La Grange enters the picture to outrace the train, but Ben joins in on the fun and will stop at nothing to come out on top.
Ravi becomes suspicious when he overhears Xander’s plans for his first date with Emma. Meanwhile, Zuri and Jorge set up a secret business selling candy and video games to the campers.
Kayce settles into his new role at the ranch. A damaging article threatens to expose John. Rainwater pitches his new plan to the tribal council.
Teenage bad girls Maya and Britney go on a sex and killing spree to win millions.
With her job on the line, Annalise fights back against the Middleton University Board. Meanwhile, secrets are exposed as the Keating 5 compete to take on the case of a battered woman accused of ...
Arvid sends his penpal Eric’s picture
Doakes follows Dexter to his next crime scene and shocks him with a revelation about Harry. The Bay Harbor Butcher task force feels they are zeroing in on their man.
The Rock gets a new coach, and everyone (especially Payson) is a little skeptical about her ability to coach them properly. Lauren, however, sees this as an opportunity to get off on the right ...
When Busy meets a great older guy named Peter who enjoys her music and wants to play with her, Busy is ecstatic. However, she’s unsure of what to do when she learns Peter’s dad abuses ...
Annalise takes on a new client, a transgender professor accused of killing her husband. Meanwhile, the Keating 5 are left to handle the Hapstall case and they discover a shocking new suspect.
Serena and the other Wives strive to make change. Emily learns more about her new Commander. Offred faces a difficult decision.
Bud falls in love with his college French professor.
Derek and Hansel are modelling again when an opposing company attempts to take them out from the business.
Miller devises a dangerous plan to eradicate what’s left of the protomolecule on Eros.
David Scatino, the father of Meadow’s friend Eric and the owner of a local sports store, gets on the bad sides of both Richie and Tony when he loses big in two poker games. Paying his ...
Cooper attempts to locate Laura’s killer after the discovery of another victim.
Rocky and CeCe try to overturn a school ruling that requires students to wear uniforms. Meanwhile, Gunther and Tinka take up new hobbies since they no longer have to be concerned about school clothes.
“Ain’t never gonna be what it was.” — Little Big Roy McNulty makes sure to pay back Rawls for reassigning him to the marine unit by sticking City Homicide with the stone ...
Jane takes on additional shifts at the Marbella to make some extra money, but it starts cutting into her time with Mateo. Jane and Rafael agree that they need a formal custody agreement and ...
Buckle up — Mahoney and Frank are about to take a ride to remember. Amy makes an entrance, Russo cashes out, and Madani comes clean to Krista.