“Doomsday” is the sixth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show’s 158th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the ...
“Doomsday” is the sixth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show’s 158th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the ...
Valerie Tyler is a 28-year-old organization freak who loves her 16-year-old sister Holly. Even if Holly is rambunctious. Spontaneous. Impulsive. Disconcerting. And definitely disorganized. Then ...
Calling upon Saxon forces the rally and drive the Vikings out of Wessex, Uhtred and Alfred gird for a decisive battle, but treachery awaits.
Driven to hiding in the marshes after the Vikings invade Wessex, Uhtred and Alfred finally make amends and devise a plan for retaking the kingdom.
Louise Farnt is obsessed with the world of self-help. And when she meets the not necessarily sane guru wannabe Val Stone, a murderous spree begins.
After King Alfred betrays Uhtred’s allegiance and turns him over to the Vikings, his Danish brother, Ragnar the Young, scrambles to spare his life.
Snowfall marks the start of Odinyule — the Viking holiday of giving! But crazy weather might cancel the tradition unless the Rescue Riders can swoop in.
No longer Saxon or Dane, Uhtred and his best friend Brida are fugitives on the run from Uhtred’s uncle Aelfric. Finding himself blamed for a wedding massacre, Uhtred pleads his innocence to the ...
To maintain his powers, the evil wizard Traigon must sacrifice his firstborn child to the god Caligara. His wife, however, has other ideas and runs away after giving birth with her twin ...
Now that the Doctor and Clara have established a dynamic as a partnership of equals, they’re relishing the fun and thrills that all of space and time has to offer. Tangling with ghosts, Vikings ...
Rattled by recent events, the Legends dive into work which finds them investigating an Anachronism in a Viking settlement in the New World. The Legends realize that the Norsemen are worshiping an ...
The third season begins with a new series of powerful surprises, as Fran seems to still feel something different about the care of the children who have taken over her life and spent her personal ...
Rachel’s friend, Melissa, from college shows up at the coffee house which brings back memories of their “closer” days. Then when Melissa can’t remember that special night ...
In season 2, while the bloody struggle between Saxons and Vikings engulfs the land, Uhtred sets out to avenge his slain family and reclaim his ancestral home.
Andy “Brink” Brinker and his in-line skating crew–Peter, Jordy, and Gabriella–who call themselves “Soul-Skaters” (which means they skate for the fun of it, and ...