Based on a Japanese manga, “Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu,” this story revolves around Kang Han-na (Kim Ah-jung), an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist for Ammy, a famous ...
Based on a Japanese manga, “Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu,” this story revolves around Kang Han-na (Kim Ah-jung), an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist for Ammy, a famous ...
A shallow man falls in love with a 300 pound woman because of her “inner beauty”.
Eddie Murphy stars as shy Dr. Sherman Klump, a kind, brilliant, ‘calorifically challenged’ genetic professor. When beautiful Carla Purty joins the university faculty, Sherman grows ...
A L.A. District Attorney is attempting to take an unwilling murder witness back to the United States to testify against a top-level mob boss. Frantically attempting to escape two deadly hitmen ...