Hey Dude is an American Western comedy series that aired from 1989 to 1991. The show was broadcast on the Nickelodeon network, and aired reruns on Nickelodeon until early 1999, and now on ...
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Hey Dude is an American Western comedy series that aired from 1989 to 1991. The show was broadcast on the Nickelodeon network, and aired reruns on Nickelodeon until early 1999, and now on ...
An upcoming two-hour American animated television film split into two parts. Based on Craig Bartlett’s Hey Arnold! TV series, it will serve as a sequel to the series finale in which Arnold ...
The daily life of Arnold–a fourth-grader with a wild imagination, street smarts and a head shaped like a football.
An outrageous, affectionate look at coming of age in the Eisenhower era in Brooklyn.
When a powerful developer named Mr. Scheck wants to knock down all the stores and houses in Arnold’s neighborhood to build a huge “mall-plex”, it looks likes the neighborhood is ...
A documentary based on Cheech and Chong’s “Light Up America” reunion tour.
An easily frustrated and wise-cracking charter bus driver from the mid-west loses everything after being fired. Desperately, he moves in with his crazy cousin to become a mailman in the rough ...
Nina is totally heartbroken at the death of her boyfriend Jamie, but is even more unprepared for his return as a ghost. At first it’s almost as good as it used to be – hey, even the ...
13-year-old Sinikka vanishes on a hot summer night. Her bicycle is found in the exact place where a girl was killed 23 years ago. The dramatic present forces those involved in the original case ...